Sunday, April 30, 2006

Shared Diversity by Ron Carter

Ron shares his diverse experiences in the format of partaking in communion and highlights the shared, community experience.

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God is Our Awsome Provider by Carl Carpenter

With Don out-of-town Carl Carpenter preaches from Ezekial 36:24-38 to show how God is our Awesome Provider.

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Law of Salvation by Don Campbell

Don continues to explore the fundamental laws of God as he talks about the foundational issue of salvation.

Some of the main points from Don's sermon:
  • There is nothing you can do to save yourself
    • James 2:19
    • Matthew 7:22-23
  • There is Profound Mystery in the way salvation works
    • John 3:28-30
    • Ephesians 5:25,31-33
  • Salvation is composed of several characteristics
    • Belief - To Know that He is the One
    • Repentance - To Leave your former selfish life
    • Baptism - Marriage Ceremony (And funeral - Romans 6:3-4)
    • Good Works - Doing Love's Deeds
      • Matthew 25
      • I John 5:11-12
      • II Peter 3:18

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More than Conquerers by Carl Carpenter

Carl shares a communion thought and reminds us that through Jesus we are free and we are forgiven. But he goes on to state that there is more. We are more than just freed and forgiven, we are also healed.

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Service

I apologize but we were unable to record the Easter Service. We were short-handed and ended up at the last minute realizing the recording connections were not hooked up properly.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Lord's Prayer for Unity by Vernon Taylor

Communion Thought

The Law of Prayer by Don Campbell

Don continues the series on the Law of Harvest by explaining 5 points to ensure that prayer is as effective as it could be.
  1. Pray with Confidence (I John 5:14)
  2. Pray according to His Will (I John 5:14, John 12:27)
  3. Pray in Faith (Mark 11:25)
  4. Pray in God's Language (Psalm 79:9, Isaiah 55:10-11)
  5. Prayer Activates the Plans of God (Jeremiah 29)