Sunday, August 27, 2006

Taking God at His Word by Don Campbell

II Kings 5 - The Story of Naaman

James 5:14-15


Communion Prayer by Mike Powell

Mike prays before the elements are served.


66 Book Club Award Ceremony

Bronze Medal Winners
To receive a bronze medal the children need to be able to say the 66 books of the Bible in order from memory.

Haylee Kiser

Silver Medal Winners
To receive a silver medal the children need to have earned a bronze medal and be able to recite the Ten Commandments from memory.

Drew Kelley
Taylor Phillips
Audrey Rhodes
Kaylen Warren

Gold Medal Winners
To receive a gold medal the children need to have obtained a silver medal, as well as, recite the 23rd Psalm and the Lord's Prayer.

Bell Campbell
Lincoln Campbell
Cameron Clark
Kristen Henry
Elizabeth Kelley
Britton Webster
Grayson Webster
Kailey Webster


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lean On Me by Don Campbell (Care Group Sunday)

As a church grows larger, it must grow smaller.
God designed us to not be alone.

How can we live the dream?
If you don't know your neighbors and you don't live close to family, where do you develop relationships in this society?

It is the best time in the world for the church to do what the church does best…develop relations with one another.

4 Things that CARE Groups give us:'
  • C. ompassion
  • A. pplication
  • R. elation
  • E. vangelism

Ecclesiastes 4:12
Galatians 6:2


Communion Thought by Carl Carpenter

Carl talks about we are just spending a little bit of time with our Father in Heaven.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Taking the Higher Ground by Don Campbell

Joshua 5:13-6:5

1. The enemy is more on the defensive than you are. Behind that wall is cowering enemy who has already been defeated. (Matthew 16:18)

2. Have some divine vision (i.e., See the walls through God's eyes)

3. The road to the Promise Land always goes through the High Country.

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Communion Prayer by Todd Newsom

Todd prays over the elements.

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Floodstage Moments by Don Campbell

How do you handle life when things are not always biscuit and gravy? How does one cope when he stands on the precipice of something he knows is big?
  • I'm not going to be able to pay my bills
  • I've lost my job
  • I've been diagnosed with a life-threating illness

Joshua 3

Lesson 1: We need God to be our Crossing Guard.
  • God will make a way when there seems to be no way.

Lesson 2: God was preparing them for what He had already prepared in advanced for them.
  • God is preparing you for what He has prepared for you.

Lesson 3: God wants us to have a personal relationship with Him.
  • God sets up these flood stage moments because when it happens to us, it becomes real to us. It is no longer just someone else's story, it is my experience of how God delivered me.
  • God's name is not "I WAS"; it is "I AM"

Lesson 4: God gives us the oppertunity to be a testimony to others.

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Communion Thought by Don Greer

Don shares a thought about communion time.

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