Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mission Emphasis Day

Don Greer begins by talking about why he supports Missions.

Don Campbell interviews Ron Carter about the Honduras Resource Center.

Sermon Notes

Mark 16:15 - Go Ye means Go Me

Luke 12:15 - The Big Lie

II Corinthians 8:2-5 - Partners in Ministry

Giving ourselves to God First

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Seek first to Understand then to be Understood

Cecil B. De Miles - "You can not break the Laws of God, you can only be broken against them."

Usually when there is a communication problem the root is someone is not using his ears.
Diagnose before you Prescribe


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Begin with the End in Mind by Don Campbell

Eccl. 7:8 - The End is Best

II Corinthians 4:18 - Temporal vs. Eternal

Am I living my life by Design or Default?

Control, efficiency, rules


Direction, Purpose, The End

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Sunday, April 06, 2008

First Things First by Don Campbell

God is a god of Priorities
Self-Control is a Fruit of the Spiritual Life
Balance is the Key
Production vs. Production Capability

Urgent - does it require immediate attention?
Important - does it contribute to mission, values, and high-priority goals?

I Samuel 15:22 - The enemy of the "BEST" is often the "GOOD"

The key is not to prioritize you schedule...but to schedule your priorities.

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