Sunday, February 26, 2012

iMarriage (Part 3) by Don Campbell

The Carter's Testimony

God says...
1. Turn your gratitude around
2. Apply our Debt-Free relationship to your Spouse

As unto the Lord

Like Christ Loves 

 Download | Stream

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Family Meeting 2012

This is audio from the Family Meeting where Mr. Taylor discussed the congregations current financial situations and Don Campbell laid out a call to action for the Church. Download | Stream

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Tribute to Ladon Campbell by Don Cambell

Don Cambpell's father, Ladon, unexpectedly passed away around on Saturday night. Ladon was a great leader in the church from its inception, serving as Shepherd and friend to many. Rather than speak on his prepared topic, Don honors his dad with this touching tribute.

Faith expressing itself as love.

Sunday, February 05, 2012