Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Guest List by Don Campbell

A Crooked Family Tree (Matthew 1:3-6)
Matthew gives an odd historical account. History writers were paid to make the person who hired them look good. But Matthew goes out of his way to mention four women who would not be flatering to the Messiah. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheeba were mentioned...3 out of the four weren't even Jewish.

I have not come for the (self) Righteous, but for the Sinners
Why? Because Matthew knew that the story of Jesus was all about the skeletons and sinners.
Matthew 9:1-12 - Matthew met Jesus when he(Matt) was considered one of the lowliest in the land. He was a Tax Collector which made him unclean to the "holy". Yet Jesus sought him out and ate with him.

Then Jesus gave perhaps the most important quote in the gospel. "I have come not for the righteous but for sinners".

The Christmas Story
God sent Jesus to draw to him those who had been drawn away.
We must change our mindset to fit this truth. Those who think they are righteous and those who know they are not are both in need of a savior.

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