Sunday, April 24, 2011

God of the Possible by Don Campbell

We won't dream any bigger than what we think is possible.
Reality shrinks the "what's possible" down to "what's manageable"

(Photo of Colton in Rome)

The Colosseum in Rome was 144ft tall. It had 72 different "marked" entrances. Plus 4 more. 2 - VIP entrances, Gladiator Entrance, and the Emperor's entrance.

Construction was started in 72 A.D. by Vespasian and Completed in 80 A.D. by Titus

In the 1700's Pope Benedict the 7th Dedicated the Coliseum to the Christian Martyrs who died there.

With God, All Things Are Possible
Go back in time and tell the Christians in 85 A.D. that there would be a cross there and they would say, "That is Impossible"

God Calls things into Existence
God can do anything he likes. Do not fall into the same trap Satan did. He put God in a box. He underestimated what God can do.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

When the Cheering Stopped by Don Campbell

How did we get from "Hosanna" to "Crucify" in four days?

Triumphal Entry
Not the first time. Judas and Theudus (mentioned by Gamaliel)

yasha'na = save us
  1. Heal me
  2. Feed me
  3. Destroy my enemies

God = the giant vending machine in the sky

If only...

  1. Did not recognize His purpose
    It was Passover, same time as when God sent a destroyer of enemies.
    Moses set them free on the Passover. Was Jesus the one they have been waiting for?
  2. Did not accept His terms
    I want there to be a God as long as he gives me what I want, when I want it, on my terms.

 Do I want to worship God or do I want to BE god?

Are we suffering from the Sin of Eve?

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Moment with God by Don Campbell

"Earth's crammed with Heaven and every bush afire with God;
Only he who sees takes off his shoes,
the rest stand around picking blackberries."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Aurora Leigh, Book VII, lines 812-826

Luke 16:27-31
"...picking blackberries"

Jesus often times said, "He who has an ear to hear, let him hear"
In this story of the rich man and Lazarus, Abraham says the brothers of the rich man
would not believe in God even if a dead man came back to life and told them.
- Those who see, take off their shoes
- Those who don't, go through life like "this" is all there is.

Acts 17:27
"...though he is not far from us"

God sets bushes afire in our lives for one reason....that we might seek Him.

Psalm 119:2
"Seek him with your Whole Heart"

The Blessing comes to those who seek him with their whole heart.
We have divided passions. We have divided loyalties.
We must take time to clear the mechanism. (For love of the Game)

Psalm 63:1-8
"Earnestly I Seek You"

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Sunday, April 03, 2011

Big Rocks by Don Campbell

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom”

Put my life in the context of the “Everlasting to Everlasting”

Rocks Illustration: The key to getting more done in life is NOT simply by adding MORE. The key is Prioritizing.

Priority Determines Capacity
What are the Big Rocks, the Non-negotiables in my life?

Matthew 6:33
Seek First

We live in a culture that does not value the “big stuff”

Truth: EVERYONE is seeking something FIRST

If you don’t know what your FIRST is…..ask someone who knows you.

OR ---LOOK at what you spend the MOST TIME and MONEY on.

First Things First
Urgent vs. Important. Don’t prioritize your schedule….schedule your priorities.

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