Sunday, April 17, 2011

When the Cheering Stopped by Don Campbell

How did we get from "Hosanna" to "Crucify" in four days?

Triumphal Entry
Not the first time. Judas and Theudus (mentioned by Gamaliel)

yasha'na = save us
  1. Heal me
  2. Feed me
  3. Destroy my enemies

God = the giant vending machine in the sky

If only...

  1. Did not recognize His purpose
    It was Passover, same time as when God sent a destroyer of enemies.
    Moses set them free on the Passover. Was Jesus the one they have been waiting for?
  2. Did not accept His terms
    I want there to be a God as long as he gives me what I want, when I want it, on my terms.

 Do I want to worship God or do I want to BE god?

Are we suffering from the Sin of Eve?

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