Sunday, July 14, 2013

No Other Gods (Part 4) by Don Campbell

We worship whatever it is we deem to be most essential for life and happiness. 

If something becomes so important to me that it drives my behavior and commands my emotions, I am worshipping it.

"Things like worry, fear, sadness, and depression are 'smoke from the fires' rising from the altars of our idolatry."  
~ St. Augustine

Idolatry = "Whatever belongs to your earthly nature"

Adulterous Prayers

We are adulterers to God when we demand that He give us things so we may find happiness, contentment, and security in them RATHER than in Him.

Anything we substitute for God leaves us yearning...

We weren't created for another human being, we were created for God

Isaiah 43:7
"Whom I created for my Glory, whom I formed and made"

Idols promise fulfillment but deliver disillusionment. 

Idols produce anxiety and fear not joy and peace.

Life expands or contracts in direct proportion to one's fear.

For a better life, Choose Jesus

 No audio recorded

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