Sunday, July 22, 2007

I've Got that Feeling by Don Campbell

Happiness, Contentment, & Joy
(Part 3)

"You can't make yourself feel something that you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of what your feelings are." ~ Pearl S. Buck

God's desire for you today may not be for you to be happy. God's number one desire is for Him to be glorified. He created me to glorify Him, so sometimes He is glorified more by me when I am miserable.

Why should I worship a God who doesn't want me to be happy?
Why should I stay in a marriage when I am not happy?
Why should I stay with this church when I am not happy?
Why should I stay at a job when it doesn't make me happy?

One word answer: Love

Our problem is we think that Love is a feeling. Today we will talk about the fact that love is a choice.

I Corinthians 13:4-7 - the definition of Love
- How many of these items are feelings?
- Where are the feelings in this definition of Love?

Love is a choice.
Love is a commitment.
Love is not a fuzzy feeling.

There are times when you are in a valley and you don't have warm, fuzzy feelings toward God.

Hebrews 12:2-3 - For the Joy set before him, endured...

Mark 14:32-36


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