Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness by Don Campbell

Happiness, Contentment, & Joy
(Part 1)

Declaration of Independence - Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

National obsession - I want to be happy - #1 Goal

Happiness - is getting what you want

Contentment - is wanting what you get

Joy - is the positive confidence I possess by trusting God regardless of the circumstances

John 15:11
- So that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete

Psalm 37:3

Nehemiah 8:10 - The joy of the Lord is your Strength

We must ask ourselves:
Am I going to judge God by the circumstances I don't understand or judge the circumstances I don't understand in light of the character of God.

Happiness depends on chance.
Joy and Contentment depend on trusting in the character of God.


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