Sunday, February 01, 2009

Shepherding a Child's Heart: Commander by Don Campbell

There are different stages of a child's growth process, so parents have to wear different hats. Here is a synopsis of what Don covered last year. Listen to the previous sermon here.
  1. Commander - children need to obey the first time
  2. Coach - parents teach children how to act in life situations
  3. Counselor - "mandatory counseling" - a conversation about dealing with life.
  4. Consultant - A consultant does not call you. You call them and hire them for their advice.
Previous sermons dealing with Parenting and Children by Don.

Today we will be focusing on Stage 1: Commander (Infancy to Childhood).

Objective for this Stage: To teach them that they are under authority.

Ephesians 6:1-3
(a covenant blessing)
  • Honor
  • Obedience - To do what you are told, without challenge, without excuse, and without delay
  • Discipline
Hebrews 12:11 - Discipline is about Restoration NOT Retribution

Remember: The HEART is the battleground

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