Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time Keeps on Slippin' (Part 1 of 2) by Don Campbell

The question to as is not – “What time is it”...
...but rather – “What am I doing with my time”

“What time is it?” is a bad question because it reminds us that our time is running out.

"Happy Thoughts" from Job 7:6, 9:25

I need to begin living with the "End in Mind"

Psalm 90
Context is Everything

People who live for themselves
  1. Always run out of time

  2. History never speaks well of them

Moses’ point isn’t that “life doesn’t matter," his point is that your only hope for significance is to put yourself into the context of what God is doing.

Vs. 11 - If we could see God as He is, we would give Him the reverence that is due Him.

God’s glory is so powerful you would burn up if you laid eyes upon it.

John 18, Jesus let a little glory slip out.

If we could see more clearly we would live more purposefully

“Everlasting to Everlasting” is our context.

A Prayer to Pray
Heavenly Father, Teach me to number my days that I might gain a heart of wisdom and fulfill your purpose for my life.

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